A little bit about me...Welcome to Designs by Darlene! Thank you for visiting.
I am Darlene Rayburn and I paint with alcohol inks, pastels, encaustic, cold wax, watercolors, India ink, acrylics, collage, and mixed media. Each of my pieces are unique. My pieces are sold at festivals, art shows, Skaneateles Artisans in Skaneateles, Artizanns in Naples, Cheshire Union Store in Canandaigua, Windmill in Penn Yan! I am a rotating artist and I am a member of Ontario County Art Council, a member of Mill Art & Gallery in Honeoye Falls and a member of Dove Block Project. I have relocated from building #4 to building #1!! Stop by the Windmill in building #1 every Saturday plus Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Black Friday. Windmill is open from April 19 and closes for the season November 29th. I also introduce people to all types of medias at their home and public events. To see and learn about my work please come visit me at the Windmill, Cheshire Union or at an event! I will be doing classes and individual sessions at my studio. I have also opened a second studio space in Cheshire Union where I also teach classes in encaustic, encaustic monotype print making, cold wax, alcohol ink, watercolors, collage, mixed media and miniature pictures. Please check my calendar of events page for classes and dates. If you are interested please go to Cheshire Union website to reserve a spot in any of the classes. |
Contact Me
Designs by Darlene Phone: 585-329-3540 Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/funalcoholinks Instagram:dar12452 |